The cornea is a vital part of your eye. When the cornea isn’t functioning properly, it can result in poor vision and, in a worst-case scenario, blindness can result. As a board-certified ophthalmologist, Dr. Christian delivers among the best cornea treatment Los Angeles and Santa Monica have available.
Dr. Christian is an expert in this field, frequently called upon to lecture and consult with fellow ophthalmologists around the country. Ophthalmologists aren’t simply eye doctors. They are specialists in the field of the eye and can not only diagnose corneal conditions, they can do the surgery required that corrects the conditions they diagnose.
Condition and treatment
Astigmatism is a condition in which light is distorted by the eye, causing blurry vision. More specifically, astigmatism occurs when the cornea is irregularly shaped. Instead of having a symmetrically round shape, it looks more like an oval or an ellipse. This irregular shape of the cornea causes light entering the eye to become distorted, resulting in blurry images.
The usual treatment for astigmatism is surgery such as LASIK or PRK Laser Eye surgery. These procedures are swift and very effective. Most patients report no dependence on corrective eye wear afterwards, and results are usually permanent.
Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea that can occur from infection after viruses, bacteria, or fungi enter the cornea. Though uncommon, this type of infection can also arise after injury from wearing contact lenses.
The treatment for keratitis can involve prescription eye drops, pills, or even intravenous therapy.
Keratoconus is a progressive disease in which the cornea thins and changes shape causing astigmatism. Keratoconus may also result in swelling and scarring of the cornea and vision loss.
The basic treatment for keratoconus is corrective eyewear. In most cases, the cornea will stabilize after a few years without ever causing severe vision problems. However, the cornea of about one people in ten that has keratoconus will eventually become too scarred or will not tolerate a contact lens. If either of these problems occur, a corneal transplant may be needed.
Ocular herpes (herpes of the eye) is a viral infection of the eye that can reoccur. While ocular herpes is the same virus that causes cold sores, it can also be transmitted sexually by the same virus that causes genital herpes.
An estimated 400,000 Americans have had some form of ocular herpes and like other forms of herpes, herpes of the eye can be controlled with good hygiene and medication.
Herpes zoster (shingles) is a recurrence of the chicken pox virus in people who have already had the disease. After the bout of chicken pox, this virus usually remains dormant within the nerves of the body. It is possible that later in life it can travel down the nerves, infecting specific parts of the body, like the eye. There are oral anti-viral medications to reduce the risk of the virus infecting cells deep within the tissue.
Schedule a consultation
If you have any corneal condition or concern, your next step is a consultation with Dr. Christian. During this time, he will perform any necessary exam to determine the best course of action to restore your eyesight. In the interest of delivering the best cornea treatment Los Angeles & Santa Monica have available, he keeps abreast of any improvements in this technology and procedure. This means you benefit from a surgeon who has the expertise to back up his compassion for his patients. Please call our office today to schedule a consultation.